Product Center便攜式PH計/PH檢測儀
產品分類便攜式PH計/PH檢測儀 型號:DP-60
便攜式PH計/PH檢測儀 型號:DP-60產品介紹
便攜式PH計/PH檢測儀 型號:DP-60主要參數
① pH值測量范圍:0~14.00pH
② mV值測量范圍:0~±1500mV(自動性顯示)
③ pH值測量度:≤0.05pH
④ mV值測量度:≤0.5%(讀數)±1個字
⑤ 輸入阻抗:≥1×1012Ω
⑥ 零點漂移:≤0.03pH/3小時
① 環境溫度:0~+40℃
② 相對濕度:50~85%
③ 被測溶液溫度:0~60℃
④ 供電電源:9V電池
⑤ 無顯著的振動
酸堿度/氧化還原控制器 型號;DP-SPH-3130
DP-SPH3130靈巧型酸堿度/氧化還原控制器具有可靠性和使用方便的特點,它具有隔離的4 --20mA電流變送輸出,兩個繼電器觸點輸出提供報警和控制能,手動/自動兩種溫度補償能供用戶選擇。SPH3130輸入阻抗在1012以上,可適配各種pH電。
1可同時測量pH (ORP)和介質溫度
5隔離式4 -20mA電流輸出
7小巧外形96mm X 96mm
電子鎮流器綜合性能測試儀(包絡展開型) 型號:DP-UI5000
DP-UI5000 is the updated version of DP-UI3000 with super-big LCD for displaying waveforms and parameters directly,it includes all the functions and technical parameters of DP-UI3000. Reports can be printed if printer connected. It also meets the latest test requirements for electronic ballasts in international standards IEC60929, IEC60969, IEC61000-3-2.
性能 Functions:
◆ 測量參數 Measure parameters:
◇ 輸入:電壓、電流、率、率因數、電網頻率、相位角、總諧波及0~39次各諧波分量
Input: Vrms, lrms, W, PF, DP, phase angle, total harmonic and 0~39th harmonic components
◇ 輸出:燈電壓、燈電流、燈絲電流、導入陰電流、燈率、波峰系數、振蕩頻率、頻波單個波分析
Output: Lamp voltage, lamp current, filament current, guided cathodic current, lamp power, crest
factor and oscillatory frequency, single high frequency pulse analysis
◇ 啟動:啟動過程燈電壓、燈電流、燈絲電流、導入陰電流變化曲線及參數,預熱時間
Startup: Startup lamp voltage, lamp current, filament current, guided cathodic current curve and
parameter, preheating time
◇ 預熱能量測試:預熱能量及燈絲預熱啟動時間,電子鎮流器啟動后0~5秒內燈絲電壓、燈絲電流、燈絲率的變化曲線
Pre-heat energy test: test pre-heat energy and filament pre-heat time, test parameter changing curves of filament voltage,
filament current, and filament power from 0 to 5 seconds after startup
◆ 輸入度 Input accuracy: ±(0.1% reading+0.1% range+1 digit)
◆ 輸出度 Output accuracy: ±(1% reading+1% range+2 digit)
◆ 八窗口顯示輸入特性、輸出特性各參數,便于、分析
8 windows for displaying input and output parameters simultaneously, convenient for comparison and analysis
◆ 輸入電流測試頻響1MDP,能夠準確測量各類電子鎮流器
Frequency response up to 1MDP lrms, content to every EB
◆ 分析燈電流包絡波的對稱性 Analysis symmetry of lamp current envelope
◆ 引入速采樣,可動態分析單個頻波,zui采樣頻率達10MDP
Super high speed A/D with sampling rate up to 10MDP, dynamically analyzing single high frequency pulse
◆ 測試快速,1秒鐘實現輸入、輸出各參數測試
Input and output parameters tested simultaneously within 1 second
◆ 便攜型,內含單片微機,尤其適用于開發和現場,能夠打印各參數及波形、曲線
Portable style with single board micro-computer suitable for R&D and manufacturing spot, parameters and curves can be printed
◆ 可以與PC機通訊,提供軟件,在中文版Windows98/2000/XP/Vista下運行,人機界面好,美觀,操 作方便;中英文版面同時提供
Special program running under Windows 98/2000/XP/Vista provided for communication with PC, both English and Chinese version
電子鎮流器綜合測試儀 (增強型) 型號:DP-UI3000
性能 Functions:
◆ 測量參數 Measure parameters:
◇ 輸入:電壓、電流、率、率因數、電網頻率、相位角、總諧波及0~39次各諧波分量
Input: Vrms, lrms, W, PF, DP, phase angle, total harmonic and 0~39th harmonic components
◇ 輸出:燈電壓、燈電流、燈絲電流、導入陰電流、燈率、波峰系數、振蕩頻率、頻波單個波分析
Output: Lamp voltage, lamp current, filament current, guided cathodic current, lamp power, crest
factor and oscillatory frequency, single high frequency pulse analysis
◇ 啟動:啟動過程燈電壓、燈電流、燈絲電流、導入陰電流變化曲線及參數,預熱時間
Startup: Startup lamp voltage, lamp current, filament current, guided cathodic current curve and
parameter, preheating time
◇ 預熱能量測試:預熱能量及燈絲預熱啟動時間,電子鎮流器啟動后0~5秒內燈絲電壓、燈絲電流、燈絲率的變化曲線
Pre-heat energy test: test pre-heat energy and filament pre-heat time, test parameter changing curves of filament voltage, filament current, and
filament power from 0 to 5 seconds after startup
◆ 輸入度 Input accuracy: ±(0.1% reading+0.1% range+1 digit)
◆ 輸出度 Output accuracy: ±(1% reading+1% range+2 digit)
◆ 八窗口顯示輸入特性、輸出特性各參數,便于、分析
8 windows for displaying input and output parameters simultaneously, convenient for comparison and analysis
◆ 輸入電流測試頻響1MDP,能夠準確測量各類電子鎮流器
Frequency response up to 1MDP lrms, content to every EB
◆ 分析燈電流包絡波的對稱性 Analysis symmetry of lamp current envelope
◆ 引入速采樣,可動態分析單個頻波,zui采樣頻率達10MDP
Super high speed A/D with sampling rate up to 10MDP, dynamically analyzing single high frequency pulse
◆ 測試快速,1秒鐘實現輸入、輸出各參數測試
Input and output parameters tested simultaneously within 1 second
◆ 便攜型,內含單片微機,尤其適用于開發和現場,能夠打印各參數及波形、曲線
Portable style with single board micro-computer suitable for R&D and manufacturing spot, parameters and curves can be printed
◆ 可以與PC機通訊,提供軟件,在中文版Windows98/2000/XP/Vista下運行,人機界面好,美觀,操 作方便;中英文版面同時提供
Special program running under Windows 98/2000/XP/Vista provided for communication with PC, both English and Chinese version available
油液質量檢測儀 潤滑油檢測儀 型號:DP-THY-21C(型)
產品特點 | 標 |
| <測量范圍:[0,±199.9] 重復誤差:≤±2% 環境溫度:-15℃ ~ +55℃ 整機耗:≤5W(不含打印) 輸入電壓:220V 整機重量:5Kg 尺寸: 328×210×130mm |
中文液晶屏幕,顯示結果更直觀 | 靈敏度傳感器 |
薄膜防水、防油軟鍵盤 | 微型打印機,隨時輸出數據,方便記錄及管理 |
三、使用說明: | ||
四、輔助能: | ||
五、注意事項: | ||
六、應用域: | ||